Ye lal rang movie
Ye lal rang movie

However, one must give credit to Afzal for being sensitively able to explore the growing friendship between Shankar and Rajesh and also the awkward yet sweet romance between Rajesh and his Rapidex English speaking girlfriend Poonam (Pia Bajpai). Randeep Hooda does everything in his capacity and emerges as a star but overall the film is as average and as predictable as Monday breakfast. 'Laal Rang' becomes a tale of bromance and love more than a bloody thriller. Nobody could have played it better than Hooda. Laal Rang has a shade grey and is much more high voltage than an ordinary thriller. Really, who is to say what is the right balance?

#Ye lal rang movie movie

Then, when there is a movie which uses the same two aspects but achieves a different balance between them, maybe it doesn't have to feel so bothersome. If only this film was shorn of some of it’s ‘bromantic’ indulgence, it would have been a much more worthier experience. Too many unnecessary scenes detailing the ‘bromance’ mar the overall effectiveness of this venture. The music though- both background and songs, are totally off-putting. The visuals are framed with expertise given to creating a distinctive mood and developing a sharp tone befitting the subject matter. Cinematographer Dhirendra Shukla does a magnificent job lensing this localized thriller. This one is worth watching if you have the patience to sit through a needlessly long movie. Here, there is a laziness in the action much like the blood that slowly gets transferred from illegal sachets into the hospital ones. If the editor had been more ruthless the movie would have been more dramatic and gripping. I am also not fond of voice overs which this movie uses needlessly.The end is a bit of a cop out given the complex character of Shankar and that's a disappointment. However, it suffers from its length and though the songs are good they slow down the pace of the movie hugely. This movie is interesting in the insight it provides into the blood bank racket and the emotional interplay between the principal characters.

ye lal rang movie

The film has nice camerawork - aerial shots and a stunning shot of Shankar’s room, with blood bags hanging on his wall - and a terrible background score.

ye lal rang movie ye lal rang movie

Despite hiccups, the film touches on important aspects like how money dictates life and love in today’s times. Syed Ahmed Afzal’s earlier film Youngistaan had a novel concept and so does Laal Rang. While the story of Laal Rang might have faults, the performances, humour and authenticity largely makes up for it. So yes, Randeep Hooda is hot, but Laal Rang is not. This film has many interesting individual elements but fails to lift off in its entirety.

Ye lal rang movie